Setup Guide
To ensure that your experience is as smooth as possible, we ask that you read the information on this page.
Our Zoom sessions allow you to share your webcam so that we can see how you’re doing, but it’s entirely up to you and you can disable your camera and microphone easily in Zoom.
We also ask that you are ready at least 10 minutes before your live session is due to start to make sure everyone is ready to go.
If you wish to use your mobile or tablet device, you will need to ensure that you have Zoom installed ready, it’s available by clicking the links below and takes a moment to install:

If you have a Mac, you can use Google Chrome to join using your browser, or install the Zoom app for MacOS here for the best experience.
Your Mac should already have a webcam and microphone built into your device, especially if it is a MacBook or iMac.
As a Windows user, you will can use Google Chrome to join using your browser, or install the Zoom app for Windows here.
Depending on the make and model of your computer, it may or may not come with a built in webcam and microphone. If it does not, most USB webcams and microphones should work fine. Click here to visit Amazon to see an example of a suitable webcam with built in microphone.